Can Silk Flowers Compare
Favorably With Fresh?

Artificial Latex Lily

Before you answer, I ask you: Have you checked out the silk flowers, foliage and artificial plants and trees that are available these days?

It's hard to believe how realistic they look, and feel.

The latest high-end floral reproductions are so amazingly lifelike and 'botanically correct' that I have actually gone up to displays to touch petals and run my thumbnail across leaves to find out. (Oops, did anybody see me?)

Take a good look at the artificial Lily image to the left, which I personally photographed. The latex-finished blossom measures about 5 inches across, and stem length is at least 28 inches. Incredible detail, don't you agree?

Even the television and movie industries enjoy the benefits of using 'permanent botanicals' (a fancy way of saying artificial flowers) for set decoration. After all, replacing real floral displays when they start wilting after a day under hot lights is expensive!

If you're a flower arranging hobbyist, you'll find it more fun than ever to create fantastic designs that can easily fool the eye as close as an arms length away.

If you are shopping for flower arrangements or bouquets, you (and your wallet) will be delighted, and guests will be buzzing in amazement and wonder about the realism of the displays.

Artificial flowers really have come a long way in recent years. Check out this article on the history of silk flowers with an overview of the latest manufacturing processes, then come on back here.

So, on to the comparison...I am just going to list the advantages of using silks in floral designs. You can assume the opposite applies to fresh flowers.

Silk Flowers Versus Fresh:
Advantages, Reasons for Choosing

Artificial flowers last...and last...and last. And they can be cleaned easily and quickly to look fresh as ever.

Weather conditions will not affect them. They don't need care or feeding, won't wilt, dry out, or die.

Mementos of special celebrations will endure for many years.

Many people need to accommodate special considerations, or simply enjoy the flexibility that artificial flowers offer, such as...

No worries about allergic reactions to scents and pollen. On the other hand, scent can be added if desired.

Availability and pricing are not ruled by the seasons, remembrance days or holidays. You can pretty much get what you want, in a wide variety of colors, whenever you wish, at reasonable and customary prices.

If you're a slowpoke silk flower arranging hobbyist like me, it's nice to come back to a floral design project after a vacation or long weekend away, and pick up where you left off.

Most artificial flower stems and elements can be bent, twisted and shaped — kind of like floral sculpting — to create unusual and striking designs.

Silk and artificial elements can be RE-USED again if in good condition. Don't throw them away — recombine them and build a brand new flower arrangement!

Benefits of Silk Flower Weddings and Celebrations
Silk wedding flower arrangements and bouquets (Listen up, brides-to-be!) cost about half as much as fresh flowers. If you want to save even more, inquire about RENTING silk florals.

You can order artificial flowers well ahead of any celebration, and request samples (e.g., for the bridal bouquet and wedding reception flowers) before committing. No last minute surprises or substitutions! And late additions are relatively easy to acquire.

Silk bridal bouquets are much lighter to hold than fresh. I'm sure you will appreciate that a silk flower wedding bouquet will seem almost weightless, compared to a fresh bouquet that requires water-soaked foam to delay wilting.

Faux flowers are almost indestructible (no crushing or bruising).

For destination weddings, a silk bridal bouquet can be packed in a suitcase and emerge unharmed hours or days later. And there won't be any problems with international Customs authorities.

I hope this article has got you thinking about the possibilities and advantages of choosing silk flowers. Can you come up with more ideas?

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Silk Flower Centerpiece Handbook

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The Silk Flower Centerpiece Handbook:
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